Comments Policy

I look forward to discussing Outlander with other readers (if anyone ever finds this website). In the interests of keeping the comments section a useful space, please follow these guidelines when composing your comment:

1) NO SPOILERS! Discussion of the first season of the Starz Outlander series is ok, as is anything to do with the chapters of the novel already covered on this site. Please DO NOT discuss future chapters, books, or seasons! Spoilery comments will be deleted or disemvoweled.

2) Be Nice! It's perfectly fine to disagree with me or with other readers. But overly nasty remarks or personal attacks will not be tolerated. This site is my hobby and I reserve the right to ban uncivil commenters from my space.

3) Please refrain from using racist/sexist/ableist language. I am making an effort to eliminate ableist terms like "crazy" and "lame" from my own vocabulary. But I still mess up. When I do, please correct me.